Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Cat In The Crook

The midnight cat scaled the blankets and napped in the crook of her dozing master's legs. There she slept without stirring until her master did. At two-thirteen he woke with a start and rolled over with a sigh. The cat moved with him and rested a paw on his thigh. The room was cold and he watched her breathe. In. Out. In. Out. Slowly the rise and fall of her breathing began to draw in the light, pulling it from the air. The moonlight from the window and the light from the hall sucked in mistrals into the cat's fur. Her purrs grew into long, low cello notes and her body started to glow. And lift. She soaked up the ribbons of light until she was a brilliant bright ball floating above the bed. Her master shouted out but the cello purr pushed  his voice back.

Then the cat sneezed. She sneezed and the glow burst from her. Diamonds of light sent scattering to the darkest corners of the room where they exploded like raindrops, and dripped like thick paint down every surface. Soon the room ached with a burnt golden hue. The cat licked her paw and circled in the air and sat down on the bed. The golden paint kept drip, dripping onto the floor where it pooled before draining into the carpet until the room was dark again. The cat in the crook sneezed again, and her master’s heart started to mend.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Cattle All Have Brucellosis

Australia is not a dictatorship. So why is the government - and specifically it's Prime Minister - acting like one? No, they haven't taken over in a violent coup and hoisted their own flag. That's not the behaviour I'm talking about. I mean the obtuse policy choices that make the world (or a decent media) go What? or roll their eyes and say Oh those crazy Russians/Nth Koreans/Chinese. The kind of stuff Sacha Baron Cohen should've been lampooning in The Dictator had that movie been any good. I'm talking about: Knights and Dames, constantly being flanked by beautiful women or insisting female ministers be chaperoned, posing in gaudy military hardware, threatening violent confrontation with other heads of state, refusing all interviews except those with pro-government media and demanding all media to play for the home team, country wide simultaneous singing of the national anthem and near daily announcements of brain-fart policies that are immediately backed down on. Then there's the more nefarious stuff: Changing laws specifically for friends and family, the nationalistic Border Force, using the courts to tear down their enemies, "If you don't like the $7 tax we'll make it a $20 tax", dynamiting the country into the shape of his own head^, being pro-torture, not to mention gleefully locking people up for years without trial and giving themselves the right to summarily remove a person’s citizenship. This is in a single year. Please don't mistake this as a partisan attack. This is very personal. These, somehow elected, people ain't no good.

Then there's Labor who like burrowing owls huddle together in their pit until they're literally forced out by an LNP gaffe. Then it's Shorten in the media trying to beat the Libs on the low ground. And he's shit at it. Mad As Hell's Shorten's Zingers making that abundantly clear. This is the part where I'm supposed to say "it gets better". But much like that internet campaign, it's a lie. The whole herd is sick and should be fed into the grinder to make fertilizer.

(Ok. Ok. There are a few in the lower ranks of Labor and the Greens that are ok. And Mike Baird seems alright)

^Ok, that's from an episode of Duckman. Doesn't seem out-of-place in this list though.   

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

A Boy On The Internet

a boy on the internet is without physical form
they are mist and fog and they swarm

they are flowers and spiders and outsiders in their head
they are nice 'til they're not then they want you all dead

they are wolves hunting foxes from their subterranean boxes
they are threats and phone calls and doxxes

they open veins and close ranks and spit and wank and love you
they come and they go posting school pictures of you

a boy on the internet makes porn versions of the women he knows
a man on the internet is bones